Chicken Facts

Chicken Facts

  • Did you know there are more chickens in the world than there are humans?
  • Chickens are currently the closest living relative to the T-Rex.
  • Chickens are not completely flightless, They can fly.
  • Chickens have great memories.
  • Chickens have a pecking order.
  • Chickens are actually omnivores, meaning they eat meat and vegetables.
  • A chicken can run up to 9 Mph in short bursts.
  • Chickens do not have teeth. They have a muscle known as a gizzard filled with grit that grinds down food particles.
  • A chickens life span is 5-10 years.

Home Made chicken feed

  • 8 Ibs split field peas
  • 8 Ibs cracked corn
  • 6 Ibs wheat
  • 1 Ibs oats
  • 2 ounces oregano (natural antibiotic)
  • 2 ounces red pepper flake (helps with egg production)
  • crushed egg shell (good source of calcium)
  • 1 ounce ground flax seed
  • 1 ounce kelp powder